Art Camp On The Main Line


Art Camp On The Main Line

Art can be good for kiddies in numerousways.At home, it’s a great time to connect with your child and encourage their creativity. In academy, it’s a way for them to communicate and make confidence.

 Allowing summer camp? With so numerous choices for kiddies ’ camps, it can be grueling to figure out what will give your child a positive, memorable experience with lasting benefits. maybe you ’ve noway endured a summer camp yourself or feel that your child might be reticent about his or her art capacities.

Wherever your kids are on their creative journey, we happily meet them to instill confidence and inspire a love of hands-on learning. If it’s their first time at camp or an annual summer tradition, we keep kids engaged, growing and learning.We hope you will feel safe sending your kids to our camps. We are extremely excited to spend another creative summer with your kids!

Inside the Art Studio you’ll find following programs: Fiber Arts, Sew Tech, Spa Crafts, Creativity Time, Published Authors and Woodworking.

 Below are reasons why you need to seriously explore transferring your child to art camp.


 Develop life-long art chops

 Enjoy fun 

 Increase social Chops;  

Keep That Summer Brain Fresh!

 Learn New Skills and Improve Existing Ones.

Build Your Child’s Confidence

Camp Allows for a Deep Dive Into New Skills


Art helps children express their emotions in a positive way.

Art helps improve fine and gross motor skills.

Thank You, For More Service’s Please Visit Our Websites.

The Hand Work Studio


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